From Our Blog

5 Types of Emails to Send Your Fans

5 Types of Emails to Send Your Fans
Music Career | Music Promotion & Marketing | Selling CDs

Email marketing is kind of like dating. It might take a few interactions before you can expect someone to... buy your album. And just like dating, or any human relation for that matter, you can't expect to be get anything, unless you give something. However, marketing is ultimately about selling, and this article lays out 5 simple types of emails you should be sending your fans. READ MORE...

How to build an email list from scratch

How to build an email list from scratch
Music Promotion & Marketing

It's fairly common knowledge today that email is among the most effective and affordable marketing tools. So let's not waste any time with a bunch of statistics to prove what you already know. Instead, let's dive right into how to get started with email marketing. READ MORE...

What is a UPC and do you really need one...?

What is a UPC and do you really need one...?
Music Business | Music Promotion & Marketing | Selling CDs

What are UPCs? What are they used for? Do you need it? How can you get one? All of these questions are answered in this article. READ MORE...

Featured Artist: THIRD SEVEN

Featured Artist: THIRD SEVEN
Booking Shows | Featured Artist | Music Career | Music Promotion & Marketing | Video

What do you get when you combine a talented songwriter, cellist, singer, percussionist, a plethora of electronics and a loop station? A one man enigma named Billy Mickelson also known as Third Seven. READ MORE...

How to plan a successful CD release party

How to plan a successful CD release party
Booking Shows | Music Promotion & Marketing

Once your final mix is done you're itching to share your new music with your friends and fans. So you hurry up and schedule a CD release party, right...? NO! Your CD release party should not be a rushed affair. You should have ample time to plan and promote it properly, to make sure it will be as epic as you've dreamed it would. READ MORE...

4 Foolproof Ways to Sell More Merch at Your Shows

4 Foolproof Ways to Sell More Merch at Your Shows
Music Business | Music Career | Music Promotion & Marketing | Selling CDs

We recently conducted a small survey asking two simple questions. Quite a few people kindly filled out the survey and what we found was rather interesting... Spoiler alert: It inspired us to write an article on how to maximize merch sales. READ MORE...

Atomic Disc will stand with those who support immigrants, refugees and basic human values.

Atomic Disc

We are not the kind of company that feels the need to express our political opinions, but there comes a time when silently standing on the sidelines is no longer acceptable. So we at Atomic Disc will stand with our friends at Bandcamp in their efforts to oppose the ban on immigration. READ MORE...

How to book gigs - from a club owner's perspective

How to book gigs - from a club owner's perspective
Booking Shows | Music Business | Music Promotion & Marketing

Have you ever wondered what club owners are really looking for when booking bands? We had the pleasure of talking to Doug Hoffman, co-owner of Salem club, the Space, about booking shows, running a club, purple sport drinks, merch tables and what makes a successful show. READ MORE...

What exactly is CD-Text?

What exactly is CD-Text?
Music Business

We often get phone calls from customers asking if track listing and artist info will show up when their CD is inserted in a computer or CD player. This article explains how to make this happen, and the difference between CD-Text and the Gracenote database. READ MORE...


Featured Artist

Brandyn Burnette is a progressive soul artist from St. Louis, Missouri whom, despite his young age has hundreds of songs under his belt and has toured with the likes of John Mayer and James Bay. Since leaving Warner in 2014 he is now carving out his own path as an independent artist in Los Angeles. READ MORE...